Saturday, January 25, 2020
Impacts on Private Savings in Pakistans Economy
Impacts on Private Savings in Pakistans Economy 1. Introduction The term savings describe the unconsumed disposable income which is kept with intention of stabilizing consumption in some future time. Private savings contribute in overall growth of any country and economists consider it as a gauge to economic health. When people start to rely on debts either than their saved cash much more pressure is found on the financial institutions which reduce the strength of any nation. People save in good times so that they have enough funds in their account for the rainy days which are more likely to come in a very frequent pace in countries developing countries like Pakistan. This issue of insufficient funds lead any country towards poverty which is a big threat for all emerging markets which are trying to become prosperous and want to be counted as developed nation of this impulsive world. Pakistani economy is in its developing stage, and this is the reason that is facing a very low saving rate. There are various factors behind this phenomenon. Saving is the key factor which increases future consumption (Kim, 2010), this fact made researcher inclined towards the importance of this topic to be researched and discussed comprehensively. Even though this issue was in consideration by many researchers before but it still need to be considered more as no much conclusive results were found for it in the past. Private savings is expected to contribute overall growth of a country by making it more stable and organized. Several economic and demographic variables are expected to have their valuable influence on Private Savings (Hondroyiannis, 2004); variables in this study are selected by keeping this fact in view. 1.1 Background Private savings are facing a very consistent decline in Pakistan from so many past decades which are not a common trend as other Southeast Asian countries are having a gradual increase in their Private savings. Private savings which become part of national saving after being summed up with public savings; this gives it a vital role in the overall performance of any country. Savings can create intensions of investment specifically on capital stocks which will cause an increase in nationââ¬â¢s productivity, this chain will leads towards raise in wages and consumption and Increased capital stocks also increase employment. Researcher is considering few variables as determinants of private savings which are previously found to have the impactful determinants in past studies. Incomes of individuals is considered as one of the most influential factors in many past studies but evidence is also available that in 1970s and 1980s private savings of Pakistan was having average of less than 17% of disposable income which was very low in comparison with other Asian economies (Husain, 1996). Another evidence which prove strong relation between income and private savings is as stated that pension plan enhance its importance. Income and employment have significant relation with personal savings (Kim, 2010). FDI is also considered to be desirable and recommended to be increased by researchers (Shahbaz et al, 2010). It is stated that whenever remittances increase a very visible increment in National savings is visible, a positive and significant relation was found in the research (Chaudhry et al, 2010). 1.2 Problem Statement In past several studies are done on the topic of private savings (Husain, 1996, Kim, 2010; Lean and Song, 2009; Masson, 1998; Chaudhry et al, 2010). Those studies have identified several variables which are influential on private savings in different countries. This study is being conducted by using recent data and this is the reason that this will add latest knowledge. Thus there is a need of such work to be done in Pakistan by making use of latest data. Dynamic of private savings play a vital role for Pakistans economy where there is lots of instability in economic conditions. Instability of this economy has made it really essential for all the members of this economy to maintain some funds for crucial times. This study will allow all the readers to understand that what factors are affecting this important element in the selected economy. 1.3 Research Question Background of this research gives birth to following research question; Q. What is the determinant of Private savings in economy of Pakistan? 1.4 Research Objective The core objective of this research is to highlight the importance of private savings in Pakistan and addressing key factors which are controlling the behaviour of private savings in positive or negative manner. In order to achieve this broad objective following specific objectives are pursued in this study; To identify the impact of FDI on private savings of Pakistani economy To identify the impact of ADR on private savings of Pakistani economy To identify the impact of REM on private savings of Pakistani economy To identify the impact of INF on private savings of Pakistani economy 1.5 Scope of the Study This study will reveal fundamental issues regarding private savings which will be helpful for the economy of Pakistan. Thematic focus of this study is to determine the factors that are affecting private saving. Geographical focus of this study is the economy of Pakistan. 1.6 Limitation of the Study Researcher is putting all possible efforts in this study, but in spite of that there are always some limitations of research. Limitation of this study is accessibility; due to availability of limited resources data collected for this research is from online sources. 2. Methodology 2.1. Type of Research This is a quantitative research in which numeric data is being analysed through application of statistical model. Deductive approach is being applied in this research where, we are dealing with an existing theory and testing it parametric form of data. Furthermore, this is a descriptive cum explanatory research is being done in this study for understanding the relation between dependent and different independent variables. 2.2.Data Source Electronic copies of required data were acquired from official website of state bank of Pakistan, economic survey of Pakistan and hand book of economics. Secondary data is being used in the research which was available on different websites. 2.3.Sample Size As per the focus of this study, data collected for this research is of Pakistani economy. Researcher is collecting annual data of past 30 years which is from 1984 to 2013. 2.4.Statistical Technique By using SPSS 19.0 data is imported and descriptive and regression analysis is performed on metric data. Application of descriptive analysis has allowed the researcher to explain the data rigorously. Regression analysis is applied to check out existence of relationship between selected dependent and independent variables. 3. Conclusion and Recommendation This research which was conducted in order to reveal important and impactful factors influencing private saving is found to be useful and contribute well. Out of the four hypotheses that were established in this research, three are accepted and one is rejected. Results which were found in the end indicated that, three factors which were foreign direct investment, age dependency ratio and remittance have significant impact on private savings. There is only one variable that has insignificant relation which is Inflation. FDI should also be increased and this could only be done if political situation of our country will become stable as it will make our country more lucrative for the foreign investors. Previously there was a very good and appreciatable trend as many Multinational companies were coming and investing in Pakistan but this trend is now facing a down trend due to bad political and social conditions of the nation. Decrease in age dependency is although causing an increase in private saving but there is a need of making sure that this decrease is not because of bad health condition or child labour. Government must make policies for taking a better care of all these dependent effectively. Remittance is normally considered to be a factor that strengthens economy, but in case of Pakistan, negative relationship is due to ineffective usage of remittance. At this point there is a need of prioritising the needs and wants. Receivers of remittance must ensure that they are using it effectively rather than wasting it. Government can also intervene in this by increasing the taxes on remittance inflow and also assuring that false channels for sending remittance are not being adopted. Inflation in Pakistani economy is a major problem and insignificant relation between inflation and private savings shows that two extreme situations 1) poverty and 2) extreme richness are on their hype in this economy. There is a need of making policies through which equal distribution of wealth can become possible in the economy. This research can be continued further by considering other economic factors which were not covered here. Other dependent variables can also be considered which also contribute in overall growth of any country and thought to be judgemental factor of economic health by economist.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Inspirational Leaders Essay
In 1994, the internet was fresh in the market, and it did not incorporate commerce in its operations. As a result, he saw an opportunity for a new business network, and after doing research, he made a decision of creating a space in the internet where books could be viewed by the public. This led to the creation of Amazon in 1995. Today, Amazon is widely successful and has had a great impact on the organizational culture of internet business. Jeff Bezos is considered to be the founder of e-commerce, remains a pioneer in the industry (Inc, 2009). This paper will discuss how the culture of Amazon has changed as a result of Jeff Bezos presence; today, among many things, the public can view full book lists on Amazon, a mission that was impossible before the early 1990s. Organizational Culture Organizational culture can be related to how an organization organizes itself based on its rules and beliefs; therefore, culture gives an organization an identity. The behavioral patterns of an organization are represented in their norms; according to Kratschmer (2011, p. 2), organizational culture includes values that are shared among the members of an organization. Needless to say, organizational culture can be changed. Kratschmer (2011, p. 3) adds that, organizational culture can be changed and lead to success, only if well managed. In addition, resistance to change is expected in any organization mainly because the employees are already attached to the existing culture; hence, they may resist change for fear of the unknown. Needless to say, changes in organizational culture can be of great benefit, for instance, it may contribute to new knowledge and skills for the employees, and productivity is achieved through motivating employees. Finally, as employees adapt to change, flexibility is achieved, which leads to improvement. However, for organizational culture to be successful, effective leaders must be in place. Culture is very important, as it promotes healthy competition at the place of work, hence motivating employees to perform. A healthy culture promotes employeesââ¬â¢ interaction at the place of work, therefore uniting them despite their different backgrounds. Providing employees with a favorable working place increases their productivity. Schein (2010, p. 80) adds that, the shared values and beliefs in an organization are important, as they determine how goals are met. Moreover, a strong culture retains talents, engages employees, creates energy, changes how work is viewed, and contributes towards cooperation at the place of work. Jeff Bezos is one of the few inspirational leaders who have contributed to change of culture in Amazon, leading to the success of the business. Amazon and change in organizational culture When Jeff Bezos discovered the potential of the internet in 1994, nothing held him back from introducing commerce in the system; he abandoned a well-paying job and concentrated on Amazon. Today, amazon. com is one of the internet giants, fostering online retail and an e-reader. Indeed, he is among the founders of e-commerce (Inc, 2009). Within 30 days, he had sold books in all the American states and in 45 countries, with sales worth $20,000 weekly. Since then, the growth of Amazon continuously accelerated, but it 1997, he announced that the company would be unprofitable for some time. However, in 2003, Amazon made its first annual profit, contributing to revenue of $4billion by 2008 (Inc, 2009). The company has embraced e-commerce, and Bezosââ¬â¢ will to start an online bookstore has yielded to a diverse selection of books. Today, he is the founder and chief executive officer of Amazon. com. According to Katzenbach (2008, p. 6), Jeff Bezos insists on fostering positive motivation, which does not involve money. Employees are likely to be motivated to performing their tasks if they are committed and disciplined. Ensuring that respect is fostered among employees will help in maintaining a positive working environment. Amazon. com recognizes employeesââ¬â¢ effort by giving a specific employee an award on monthly basis for the capability of making significant savings. Amazonââ¬â¢s culture includes an informal, but effective environment, one that involves fun; this company is obsessed with customers. Therefore, it continuously improves its website and its systems with an aim of serving customers quickly and reliably. It also strives to maintain its culture, which includes talented personnel, who are creative and innovative in finding solutions to challenges (Lussier, 2011, p. 56). Therefore, it is evident that a strong culture is influenced by effective leadership. According to Dubrin (2011, p. 291), the strong organizational culture fosters quality, productivity and morale; such a culture values human dignity, and therefore, it fosters job satisfaction and increases employee motivation. Jeff Bezos has noted that a culture that involves experimentation is crucial in the continuously changing world. Invention may lead one to paths that are considered weird by the world (Dubrin, 2011, p. 291). Before the existence of Amazon, click shopping did not exist; these are some of the changes brought about by Amazon. The company also deals with online shopping for electronics, computers movies, games, music, as well as books. Amazon, being one of the web giants, implies that an effective leader must be diverse, being behind such a company that started very small and transformed into a giant. Bezos is regarded as visionary, but he is keen that his employees meet the demanding schedules; weekly management meetings are set with his managers. In addition, he encourages his employees to be innovative, and a reward program has been implemented that rewards innovative employees (Zakomurnaya, 2007). Moreover, the company hires intelligent and innovative personnel; indeed, Bezos would rather not hire anyone rather than hire the wrong person. Bezos is also approachable and easy -going, which makes him an effective leader. In 2007, Amazon introduced a hand-held electronic book reader, which uses E-ink to bring out a print-like appearance and has no strain on the eyes. In addition, the introduction of I-pad to the world was seen as direct competition for Amazon, therefore, Jeff introduced Kindle Fire, which shares many of the same features as I-pad, but is much cheaper. The Amazon kindle fire is an e-book reader, which is a small hand-held device; this is as a result of technological advances. Nevertheless, these e-book devices are expensive, but advantageous compared to paper copy; indeed, technology has changed in the digital reading world. Another advantage is that these e-readers can be borrowed from libraries. According to Mc Graw Hill (N. d, p. 3), kindle fire is competitive compared to other e-book readers. In 2007, Amazon. com created a successful e-bookstore that allowed client access from any computer or from e-book reader model. Amazon has therefore made book reading easier, and the kindle e-book can be referred to as published. Amazon. com offers a collection of above two million free e-books with titles; therefore, Amazon has succeeded in improving the digital world by providing e-book readers, which assist online clients in accessing digital e-books. For instance, the kindle e-Book reader has a rechargeable battery, which is built in and has a wide internal storage that can fit 1000 full-length books (Mc Graw Hill, N. d, p. 5). Another advantage of owning kindle fire e-book reader is that, the kindler-formatted e-books are easily accessed. In addition, kindle fire can be used as a form of an entertainment device, which allows one to surf the web, send, and receive emails, among other functions. Therefore, Amazonââ¬â¢s Kindle fire is a device of many functions, which is a competition for I-pad among other devices. Amazon prime is a membership program, which enables individuals to receive unlimited fast shipping. Members enjoy a variety of services, which include unlimited and instant streaming of above 10,000 movies and television shows. Amazon prime offers a wide variety of kindle books through the kindle lending library; members who own kindle devices benefit more from reading and borrowing books for free. In addition, members of Amazon prime enjoy free shipping for orders that are above $25, a relatively good deal for customers. Moreover, Amazon prime enables one to try free shipping for one month, and ensures that customers save by spending less, and save time by guaranteeing two day shipping. It also provides unlimited deliveries, hence guaranteeing convenience. Big online shoppers benefit the most, and this is because of the unlimited deliveries that guarantee quality of membersââ¬â¢ money. With a range of affordable entertainment, free movies, free kindle e- books, and a two-day shipping for only $75, Amazon prime is a friendly program. Therefore, Jeff Bezosââ¬â¢ intervention has led to a variety of services and products that blow the clientsââ¬â¢ minds away. It is this transformation from a small enterprise to an internet giant that has led to a change in culture at Amazon. Conclusion Jeff Bezos, the founder and the chief executive officer of Amazon. com is a visionary, and has contributed to the success of this company through motivating employees with rewards, as well as ensuring that customersââ¬â¢ demands are met. He is an inspiring leader, and despite the fact that he does not value communication, he believes in the ââ¬Å"just-do-itâ⬠aspect that motivates employees to perform. Jeff is not limited to only e-books, he has also engages in online retailing of music, movies, clothes, and streaming television shows. The unveiling of kindle fire in 2007 is among his achievements; Amazon prime has also been a competitive advantage for the company and has attracted many members. A strong organization culture requires an effective leader; Amazon is one successful company that has been influenced by an inspirational leader. Indeed, Jeff has contributed to various changes in the organization, which have contributed to successful culture in the organization.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Analysis of Dracula and the Vampire Myth Essay - 2043 Words
The story of Dracula started long before Brahm Stoker wrote his famous novel. Vampires have been in the minds of people since the early ninth century and, perhaps, even before that. The fact that the stories are still common after all these years brings out the question of, why? What makes these vampire stories so popular? The answer may be in the material itself. Taking a wide selection of vampire stories, including Brahm Stokers classic, reveals a long list of similarities. Of course, not all stories mirror the others in all aspects of images but the images that do repeat are the ones most people readily associate with vampires. I propose that the reason Dracula and other stories of vampires are still so widely knownâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦These stories of vampires go back much farther than the Victorian era though. They occur in almost every culture and may have wide variances. The most popular vampire legions are from Eastern European myths (Richardson) and many of the primary characteristics of behavior came from these myths. In Eastern Europe, the Slavic people from Russia to Bulgaria, Serbia to Poland, have the richest vampire folklore in the world (Richardson). The split of the Eastern Orthodox Church and Roman Church, in 1054 AD caused a split in development in lore about vampires. The Roman Church saw saints in those characters the Orthodox Church saw as vampires (Richardson). Romanian vampires are called Strigoi or demon or witch. These tales share many common features with the modern vampire tales. The Vircolac are more closely related to wolfs in folklore and seem to have morphed into werewolves, though they were originally thought to be vampires. All these creatures, as well as witches, were thought to be most active on the Eve of St. Georges Day (Richardson). Britain, however, did not hear of these vampires until the 1700s. The eighteenth century in Europe brought a big vampire scare when even government officials were brought into the mass killings of vampires (Richardson). This scare started in East Prussia in 1721 and arose again in theShow MoreRelatedFilm Adaptation Of Bram Stoker s Dracula1320 Words à |à 6 Pagesfrightening tale of Count Dracula has struck horror into the hearts of many since it was originally penned. In 1987, Bram Stoker wrote the revolutionary tale Dracula that played off the fears of the people of the era. The plot and characters that make the novel great also translate nearly perfectly to cinematic adaptations. Starting in the early 1900ââ¬â¢s, directors have done their best to portray the terror that the original novel inspired. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
The Twenty-Fat Century Essay - 1774 Words
Parents usually complain of the corruption of todays society, how values and morals have gone down the drain, and the annoying sight of their children pounding away on their miniature gadgets. Immediately dismissed without any forethought, kids think of their parents grievances as something just inherently programmed into their character. But maybe the older generation is on to something. Modern-day society is drastically different from life thirty or forty years ago. With the advent of various technological innovations have come changes in thought, behavior, and even dietary patterns. Perhaps the hoary-headed have detected what so many of us have missed. The obesity epidemic is negligibly showing signs of relenting. Recent reports warnâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Tara Parker-Pope (2011) discusses the how the transformation of the workplace environment from the 1960s is effecting the total amount of physical activity Americans get daily. Most people blame genetics, exercise habits, and a pitiable diet as reasons for the growing obesity epidemic, but, with the decline in workplace physical activity and concurrent rise in obesity numbers, workplace dynamics is at least partly responsible. Dr. Timothy S. Church, a renowned exercise researcher at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center, contributed to the article by noting ââ¬Å"the jobs that required a lot of physical activity have gone away.â⬠Obviously, not as many people work on farms as compared with five decades ago, but the lack of agricultural economies is not the sole reason for inactivity. In the wake of the Internet and automobiles, Americans have been expending less energy. Now, the likelihood of physical activity being completely restored to the workplace is slim, however, employers are taking steps to increase physical worker activity by offering incentives to use mass transit, subsidized gym memberships, and encouraging workers to engage in face-to -face interaction instead of electronic-mediated ones. Imagine being 8-years old and 200 pounds, hard to fathom right? Well, that was the case of a 3rd-grader, from Cleveland, Ohio. The poor child was so morbidly obese, he wasShow MoreRelatedThe Negative Effects Of The Perfect Body And Obesity1026 Words à |à 5 PagesAmerican society, corporations and dieting programs have developed ways to generate profits from people who are desperate to escape either problem. 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